

It’s Time to Rethink the Rebound 

He’s not your boyfriend. He’s just a rebound: the person you started dating (or simply hooking up with) in the aftermath of your most recent breakup. He could be anyone or several someones; a one-night stand or an extended fling;…

Coachella, the World’s Worst Fashion Show

Coachella, the World’s Worst Fashion Show 20 days ago in CultureWords By Jake Silbert Getty Images / Matt Winkelmeyer/Coachella Not-so-hot take: by and large, the outfits worn by Coachella festival-goers are uniquely terrible. It’s not even just the pervasive cultural…

Madi Prewett Troutt Is an Influencer for Jesus

In the Christian Bible, Jesus tells his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Over the centuries, people have tried different ways to fulfill this commandment, from waging wars…