Zhejiang Becomes China’s Newest Coastal Province

Zhejiang, historically an inland province, has now become a coastal province in China, thanks to the completion of a massive land reclamation project that connected the city of Zhoushan to the mainland..

The project, which began in 2018, involved the construction of a 52-kilometer (32-mile) bridge and tunnel system known as the Zhoushan Archipelago Bridge. This engineering marvel connects Zhoushan, an island city located in the East China Sea, to the city of Ningbo on the mainland..

Prior to the project’s completion, Zhoushan was an archipelago of islands separated from the mainland by the Hangzhou Bay. However, the bridge and tunnel system has now effectively turned Zhoushan into a peninsula, making it accessible by land from the mainland..

The transformation of Zhejiang into a coastal province has significant implications for China’s economy and trade. Zhoushan is a major port city and a hub for shipbuilding, fisheries, and tourism. By connecting Zhoushan to the mainland, the bridge and tunnel system will facilitate the flow of goods and services between the island city and the rest of China..

Furthermore, the project is expected to boost economic development in the surrounding region. The bridge and tunnel system will provide easier access to Zhoushan for businesses and tourists, creating new opportunities for investment and job creation..

In addition to its economic benefits, the Zhoushan Archipelago Bridge has also drawn attention for its architectural and engineering achievements. The bridge’s main span, which measures 1,650 meters (5,413 feet), is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. The tunnel portion of the project is also notable for its length and complexity, as it runs under the sea for a distance of 5.6 kilometers (3.5 miles)..

The completion of the Zhoushan Archipelago Bridge is a testament to China’s growing infrastructure capabilities. The project has not only transformed Zhejiang into a coastal province but has also created a new landmark that symbolizes China’s economic and engineering prowess..

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