Chinese city of Wuxi abandons ‘zero-COVID’ as cases surge

**Chinese city of Wuxi abandons ‘zero-COVID’ as cases surge**

*City of 4.5 million people becomes latest to scrap strict COVID measures
*China’s COVID cases hit record high, with 31,444 new infections reported on Wednesday
*Experts say China may be moving away from ‘zero-COVID’ policy

The eastern Chinese city of Wuxi has become the latest to abandon its ‘zero-COVID’ policy, as the country grapples with a surge in cases.

The city of 4.5 million people announced on Wednesday that it would no longer require residents to show a negative COVID-19 test result to enter public places, and that close contacts of confirmed cases would no longer be subject to mandatory quarantine.

The move by Wuxi comes as China’s COVID cases hit a record high, with 31,444 new infections reported on Wednesday. The vast majority of cases are mild or asymptomatic, but the surge has put a strain on the country’s healthcare system.

Experts say that the move by Wuxi could be a sign that China is moving away from its ‘zero-COVID’ policy, which has involved嚴格 lockdowns, mass testing, and travel restrictions.

The ‘zero-COVID’ policy has been successful in keeping China’s COVID cases relatively low, but it has also come at a significant economic and social cost.

The recent surge in cases has put pressure on the Chinese government to relax its ‘zero-COVID’ policy, and the move by Wuxi could be a sign that the government is starting to do so.

It is unclear what will happen next in China’s fight against COVID-19. However, the move by Wuxi is a significant development, and it could be a sign that the country is moving away from its ‘zero-COVID’ policy.

**Source:** [LifeStyle](

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