Biden Reportedly Moves to Secure $2.5 Billion for Iranian Hostage Deal

President Joe Biden is reportedly in the process of finalizing a $2.5 billion payment to Iran as part of a deal to secure the release of four American hostages, according to a New York Times report..

The payment, which will reportedly be made through intermediaries, is intended to settle a decades-old debt that Iran claims the US owes over a failed arms deal. The release of the hostages is expected to be part of a broader diplomatic agreement between the US and Iran, which has been in the works for months..

According to the New York Times report, the Biden administration is exploring ways to structure the payment so that it does not appear to be a ransom for the hostages. One option being considered is to make the payment through a third country, such as Switzerland..

The potential deal has drawn criticism from some, who argue that it will reward Iran for taking American hostages and encourage future hostage-taking. Others have defended the deal, arguing that it is necessary to secure the release of the hostages and that it will help to improve relations between the US and Iran..

The Biden administration has not yet publicly confirmed the details of the reported deal, and it remains unclear when or if it will be finalized. The release of the hostages would be a significant diplomatic achievement for the Biden administration, which has made improving relations with Iran a priority..

The New York Times report comes amid ongoing negotiations between the US and Iran over the Iranian nuclear program. The Biden administration has been seeking to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, which was designed to limit Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Iran has been demanding that the US lift all sanctions before it returns to compliance with the deal..

The reported deal to secure the release of the hostages is separate from the nuclear negotiations, but it is seen as a potential confidence-building measure that could help to pave the way for a broader agreement. If the deal is finalized, it would be the first major breakthrough in US-Iran relations since the Biden administration took office in January 2021..

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