Chinese Journalists Were Banned From a Shanghai Press Conference After Asking Questions

**Chinese Journalists Were Banned From a Shanghai Press Conference After Asking Questions**

**By The Epoch Times**

**April 29, 2023**

**Updated: April 30, 2023 5:08 P.M.**

SHANGHAI—At a press conference held by the Shanghai government on April 28th, 2023, two Chinese journalists were physically removed and banned from the event after they asked critical questions about the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The journalists, who worked for the independent news outlet Caixin, were identified as Wang Xiaoli and Fu Weiguo. During the press conference, they asked Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng about the lack of transparency and accountability in the government’s response to the pandemic, as well as the public’s concerns about the effectiveness of the city’s lockdown measures.

According to witnesses, Mayor Gong refused to answer the questions and instead instructed security personnel to remove the journalists from the room. The journalists were then escorted out of the conference hall and banned from re-entering.

The incident sparked outrage among Chinese netizens, who took to social media to condemn the authorities’ censorship and suppression of dissenting voices.

“This is a clear violation of press freedom,” said one user on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like platform. “The government is trying to silence any criticism of its handling of the pandemic.”

“The people have a right to know what is going on,” said another user. “The government should be transparent and accountable to its citizens.”

The incident is the latest in a series of crackdowns on independent media and freedom of expression in China. In recent years, the government has tightened its control over the internet and has detained and imprisoned numerous journalists and activists who have criticized the government.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified the government’s suppression of dissent. Since the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan in late 2019, the government has imposed strict censorship measures on all information related to the pandemic. Several journalists who have reported on the pandemic have been detained or disappeared, and the government has also cracked down on online discussions about the virus.

The ban on the two Caixin journalists from the Shanghai press conference is a clear indication that the government is determined to continue its suppression of dissent and independent reporting on the pandemic.

**International Condemnation**

The incident has also drawn condemnation from international organizations and governments. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called on the Chinese government to immediately lift the ban on the two journalists and to allow them to report freely on the pandemic.

“The Chinese government’s censorship of critical reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic is a grave threat to press freedom and public health,” said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon. “The government must immediately end its crackdown on independent journalism and allow journalists to report freely on this vital issue.”

The United States State Department also condemned the incident, saying that it was a “clear violation of press freedom and the right to freedom of expression.”

“The Chinese government’s suppression of independent journalism is a threat to all of us,” said State Department spokesperson Ned Price. “We call on the Chinese government to respect the rights of journalists and to allow them to report freely on the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The international community must continue to pressure the Chinese government to end its suppression of press freedom and dissent. The people of China deserve to know the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic and to have their voices heard.

**Epoch Times Staff**.

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