Brides Who Demand ‘It’s My Day’ Should Foot the Whole Bill

**Brides Who Demand ‘It’s My Day’ Should Foot the Whole Bill**

If you can afford to throw a lavish wedding, more power to you. But if you can’t, don’t expect your guests to pay for your big day.

I’m getting married next year, and I’m paying for the entire thing myself. My fiancé and I are both working professionals, and we’re fortunate enough to be able to afford our dream wedding without any help from our parents.

I know that not everyone is as fortunate as we are. But even if you can’t afford to pay for your entire wedding, you shouldn’t expect your guests to foot the bill.

It’s your wedding, and you should be the one who pays for it. If you can’t afford to have the wedding you want, then you need to scale back your plans.

I’ve seen too many brides who demand that their guests pay for everything, from the dress to the venue to the food. And it’s not fair.

Your guests are not obligated to pay for your wedding. They’re there to celebrate your marriage, not to finance it.

If you’re not willing to pay for your own wedding, then you shouldn’t have one.

**Here are some tips for brides who are on a budget:**

* **Set a realistic budget.** This is the most important step. You need to figure out how much you can afford to spend on your wedding, and then stick to it.
* **Prioritize your spending.** Decide what’s most important to you and allocate your funds accordingly.
* **Get creative.** There are plenty of ways to save money on your wedding without sacrificing style.
* **Be willing to compromise.** You may not be able to have everything you want, but you can still have a beautiful wedding that reflects your personality and style.

Getting married is a wonderful thing. But it’s important to remember that it’s also a financial commitment. If you’re not prepared to pay for your own wedding, then you shouldn’t have one.

**What do you think? Should brides who demand ‘It’s My Day’ pay for the whole bill?**.

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