Brides Who Insist ‘It’s My Day!’ Should Pay for Everything.

If you want to act like a princess, you should pay like one. Your wedding is about you and your spouse, not your guests or your parents or anyone else. So if you want to have a lavish affair, you need to be prepared to foot the bill. That means paying for everything from the venue to the food to the dress..

Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule. If your parents or other family members offer to help pay for your wedding, that’s great! But you shouldn’t expect them to do so. And if they do offer to help, you should be grateful and gracious, not demanding..

The same goes for your guests. You shouldn’t expect them to pay for your wedding either. If they offer to help out with something, that’s great! But you shouldn’t feel obligated to accept their help. And if they don’t offer to help, you shouldn’t be disappointed..

Your wedding is a special day, but it’s not the only special day in your life. You’ll have other special days, like your anniversaries and the birth of your children. And you’ll want to be able to afford to enjoy those days too. So don’t blow all your money on your wedding. Save some for the future..

Here are some tips for brides who want to have a lavish wedding without breaking the bank:.

* **Set a budget and stick to it.** This is the most important thing you can do. Once you know how much you can spend, you can start planning your wedding accordingly..

* **Choose a venue that fits your budget.** There are many beautiful venues out there that don’t cost a fortune. Do your research and find a venue that you love and that fits your budget..

* **Keep your guest list small.** The more guests you have, the more expensive your wedding will be. So keep your guest list to a manageable size..

* **Choose affordable vendors.** There are many talented vendors out there who don’t charge a lot of money. Do your research and find vendors who you love and who fit your budget..

* **Be creative.** There are many ways to save money on your wedding without sacrificing style. Get creative and come up with your own unique ideas..

Your wedding is a special day, but it’s not the only special day in your life. So don’t blow all your money on it. Save some for the future. And remember, if you want to act like a princess, you should pay like one..

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