Apple Fitness+ Adds Pilates, Sleep Tracking, and Other New Features

Apple Fitness+ is getting a major update with the addition of Pilates, sleep tracking, and other new features. The update will be available to all Fitness+ subscribers on April 19th..


Pilates is a low-impact, full-body workout that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and balance. It’s a great workout for people of all fitness levels, and it can be especially beneficial for people with back pain or other injuries..

Apple Fitness+ will offer a variety of Pilates workouts, led by certified Pilates instructors. The workouts will range in length from 10 to 30 minutes, and they will be suitable for all fitness levels..

**Sleep Tracking**.

Apple Fitness+ will also be adding sleep tracking to its suite of features. The sleep tracking feature will use the Apple Watch to track your sleep patterns and provide you with insights into your sleep quality..

The sleep tracking feature will be available to all Fitness+ subscribers who have an Apple Watch. To use the feature, you’ll need to wear your Apple Watch to bed. The watch will track your sleep patterns and provide you with a sleep report in the morning..

The sleep report will include information on the following:.

* **Total sleep time:** The total amount of time you spent sleeping..

* **Sleep stages:** The amount of time you spent in each sleep stage (light, deep, and REM)..

* **Sleep quality:** A score that indicates how well you slept..

* **Heart rate:** Your average heart rate during sleep..

* **Respiratory rate:** Your average respiratory rate during sleep..

The sleep tracking feature can help you to identify patterns in your sleep and make changes to improve your sleep quality..

**Other New Features**.

In addition to Pilates and sleep tracking, Apple Fitness+ is also adding a number of other new features, including:.

* **Guided meditations:** Apple Fitness+ will now offer guided meditations that can help you to relax and de-stress..

* **New workouts:** Apple Fitness+ will be adding new workouts to its library, including workouts for beginners, workouts for seniors, and workouts for people with disabilities..

* **Collections:** Apple Fitness+ will now offer collections of workouts that are designed to help you achieve specific goals, such as losing weight, building muscle, or improving your endurance..

The new features in Apple Fitness+ are a welcome addition to the service. The Pilates workouts, sleep tracking, and other new features will make Fitness+ even more valuable to its subscribers..


Apple Fitness+ is a great way to get fit and stay healthy. The service offers a variety of workouts, meditations, and other features that can help you to achieve your fitness goals. The new features in Apple Fitness+ make the service even more valuable, and they’re sure to be a hit with subscribers..

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